Tuesday 7 June 2011

Then There Were Two!

Our surprise visitors have now returned to north London leaving Lady M and myself by ourselves once again. Everything is eerily quiet, but they'll be back in August. We don't have long to wait!

Above, is my grandson Ollie (with our house bear Monty), who, along with his brother Harvey J, is one of the nicest children in the entire world (well, I would say that, wouldn't I).

And here's Harvey J himself, bringing home the first crop of courgettes from Haddock's. They've had plenty of adventures, made friends with some local girlies, and met the other Monty (our new dog) for the first time. A week filled with sunshine frolics and fun.

Hurry back boys. Grumpy misses you already (and their parents, of course)!

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  1. Hello:
    How lovely for you to have such delightful grandchildren. They clearly bring with them a great deal of pleasure, and more to come in August!

  2. How lovely Cro especially since it was a surprise visit, time will go quick enough just enough time for you to do a new pirate treasure map..they look lovely little people.

  3. funny I have never wanted children but the prospect of a grandchild is something I think I would enjoy

  4. It's so nice being a grandfather - I wonder how everyone's grandchildren can be simultaneously the best in the world? A mysterious paradox - because I know it's true.

  5. Granchildren are the best...you love them and then they go home to mum and dad...I adore my five girls!!

  6. Lovely looking boys. Hope you are appreciating this rain I've created specially for you Cro. (I've been running around all night with buckets under a half-tiled roof)

  7. For my hubby, being both retired and a grandfather means he has the luxury of being able to spend leisurely time with the grandchildren. Because of the demands and stress of careers, few men get to enjoy that same luxury with their own children. So while I'd have to say MY grands are the "best", I must concede that being a grandfather may even be more sweet than being a grandmother, at least for those of us who were fortunate enough to be stay-at-home moms.

  8. Sue. You were right; perfect weather for having your roof fixed. Still, it'll get the mushrooms growing; you'll be compensated!!

  9. You think you could not love anybody as much as your own children, then you have grandchildren.

    Your grandchilden are beautiful Cro.

  10. They are both completely adorable. Great little guys there!

  11. Enjoy the peace and quiet Cro...like you said...."They'll be back".
    You got Rain? Fantastic.

  12. That first photo is priceless Cro! I love it!
    Your grandchildren are so blessed to have you and Lady Magnon for grandparents! What a wonderful place you have created for them to grow.

  13. Great pics of your grandsons. They are both so cute and lovable. Glad you got some rain! Have a wonderful day!

  14. Oh, I do hope to have grandchildren some day. You make me crave them so badly.

  15. Oh, and by the way, Your new profile pic is extremely sexy.

  16. Love your photos. Not long until August!

  17. They're adorable! No wonder you miss them around the place. Never mind - won't be long before they're back with you.

  18. Willow. That's the first time I've EVER been called THAT!

  19. Well, then, I must say it more often. x
