Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Return of Mrs Pins.

'Mrs Pins' is my daughter's bear. She is mother to two baby bears (one is bottom left), and, as tradition dictates, she has just one eye.

She was a present from my late mother, along with a monkey called 'Wales'. As my daughter now lives in Queensland Oz, I presume Mrs P is also there; but Wales lives with us here in France.

This is a 'souvenir' painting; not normally for view outside my immediate family, although it did spend many years on a wall in the caribbean. Happily the picture is back again, and will soon go to my oldest son's home in North London (it's a miracle when any family member likes any work of mine).

Welcome back Mrs Pins. I've missed you!
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  1. Well I just loved this as I am a teddy person and I imagine Mrs Pins was so wonderful your family like your work,I feel at times I foist my quilts etc upon my family but at least you have a legacy to share around, I am sure one day they will be fighting over your works lol

  2. Hello:
    Both the painting and the subject matter we really love. It is a still life which, if it were ours, we should be very loathe to part with it.

    We appreciate your showing us.

  3. The sign of a truly loved bear...missing eye and slightly threadbare. What a lovely picture.

  4. the most meaningful of all art...when it touches the heart. It's beautiful Cro.

  5. funny what lightens you !
    these tiny pieces of family history mean so muchmore than pearls and to speak

  6. The painting is adorable, and so much more precious because of its provenance. Thank you for sharing.

  7. There's a lot to love about a painting like this. It's very well done and has a great story behind it.

  8. Thanks to your painting, the teddy will always be around. I'd call that a lovely legacy, and something that will always evoke fond memories.

  9. I once had neighbors named Mr. and Mrs. Pinz, and my parents had friends named Mr. and Mrs. Lines.
    And then we were "The Clears", and we lived next door to "The Viegs" which often was translated as "The Vagues".... (I know, it's all too confusing.) (I love the painting of Mrs. Pins and her solitary eye.)

  10. How wonderful! And doubly nice that you have such appreciative family to treasure it.

  11. You have captured the heart of the teddy bear or perhaps the heart of your daughter! It shows the joy and love this bear has brought. Beautiful and so lovely it is back home from its travel.
    I am enjoying your blog and look forward to reading your early postings

  12. It is a very happy painting, indeed.

  13. What a beautiful painting full of happy memories. Thank you for sharing it. Marion
