Tuesday 28 June 2011

Monty's first swim.

It's been so hot, and Lady Magnon has given in to Monty's imploring poolside eyes and insisted that we take him down to the lake. He took to swimming at once; we simply threw a stick, and in he dived.

He's banned from swimming in our pool, as we have a dog-unfriendly liner. But at the lake he can do no harm. At his first attempt he swam like a pro... a very reassuring sight.


  1. I love that the tail never stops wagging!

  2. I think I might have to go and find a lake to jump into if it's as hot again today!

  3. Hello:
    It is so extraordinary how most animals appear to be natural swimmers even when, as in the case of cats, they tend to avoid water and dislike becoming wet.

  4. That's great Cro. Now you just have to train him to catch fish!

  5. As well as find mushrooms?

    By the way, this is my first successful attempt at using You tube. It took about 20 mins to upload... is that normal?

  6. Monty's first swim - and Cro's first video! (a good one too). You don't have to use You Tube to post up videos (unless you really want the rest of the world to watch it too), but I know it often takes ages for a vid to upload on Blogger. I've never done one on You Tube.

  7. a big help when duck hunting! Ah, the smell of duck roasting!

  8. That is one happy pup.

  9. Shouldn't take that long Cro.

    I embed (copy) the code from the youtube clip and paste into the html section of the post and tinker with the pixel sizes - easy peasy.

    Is that how you do it?

  10. You've lost me Chris. I just clicked on upload to You tube, then clicked on 'Share' to Blogger. It was getting it onto You tube that took so long.

  11. Oh right.

    I've got a shed load of imaging kit here for work so I can tinker with sizes before uploading to keep them small (but perfectly formed!)

    You could try turning the handle on the side of your computer a few more times to speed it up...

  12. Is that the handle on the left side or the right side of the computer Chris?

  13. We couldn't keep our labs from swimming across the river to the park on the other side. They loved the water!

  14. Labs and water go together. How do you keep him out of the pool?

  15. Probably by the smell of Chlorine! He seems to have accepted that that's where WE swim, and the lake is his.

  16. He's a natural! I love to see a lab swimming in a lake like that. Beautiful.

  17. He is absolutely great, as is the lake! My pooch just makes a lot of fuss at the water's edge but doesn't go in. (Really, Cro, a pool AND a lake, sounds like heaven.)

  18. I love your video as much as Monty is loving the water. Well done!

  19. Hi Cro!
    I found your blog because I Googled gypsy wagons. I'm happy that Monty (such a handsome dog!) enjoyed a refreshing swim!

  20. a dog's first swim

    if it was one of mine
    I would have cried

  21. What a happy pup he looks! Well done, Monty. (and Cro)
