Saturday 18 June 2011

The Fountain Garden.

My ex-pond small plant garden is coming of age, and considering that my knowledge of 'flower gardening' is NIL, I'm reasonably happy with the result.

I've managed to avoid anything orange (essential), and both my torn-off bits of Aubretia seem to have taken; meaning, I hope, that they will start to tumble over the front as from next year.

Of course, as I know none of the plants by name, I can give no proper report. But those round pink starburst jobs (lower forground) are wonderful. They're some type of succulent (I think), and are doing exactly what I asked of them. I need more 'doers' like that!
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  1. We've got those succulent pink flowers on our rockery. They are great - very resilient and stop the weeds coming through. I don't know what they're called either. I was hoping you were going to enlighten me!

  2. Shall we agree on 'Pink flowered succulent thingies'?

  3. I see some hens and chicks in there, front right beside the pink flowered succulent thingie.

  4. Hello:
    In general terms, the 'greyer' the leaf, the happier the plant will be in a hot, dry situation. This is possibly why the Heuchera with its brown leaves is sulking a little.

  5. The common name for the succulent Pink Thingy (in the US) is "Ice Plant". Haven't a clue what the botanical is. I will look it up after a few more cups of coffee
    After eleven years, my garden is coming together. Of course, as soon as I praise myself, pecan tree seedlings will come up by the dozens near mature plants that can't take uprooting. Damn Squirrels!

  6. I can't stand orange in any form! Especially in the garden.

  7. I love naming my flowers names like yours! lol! The garden is beautiful and I hope it affords you many peaceful moments!!

  8. I too love the pink things mixed with the rock things and the spiky things.

  9. Thank you Grouchy. Now we know!

  10. Your garden is lovely and I especially like the fountain. I don't like orange, either, and also need lots of coffee to wake up! Cheers, Cro!

  11. Love your garden, Cro. I would think the little pink flowers in the front are called living stone daisies (mesembryanthemum) - the colours are fantastic

  12. Hi Cro,over here we call the Pigface and they are in all the colours that are vibrant,they are lovely.

  13. Understand your thing about orange. I will never plant anything orange, however, every year something orange sprouts but is quickly removed. My girls are the same way, and even more intense about it than I. We love the blues, purples and pinks of the English garden. The past few years I have mellowed though and have introduced coral because of some new plants that I have found, but it has to be pinky coral.
