Thursday 23 June 2011

Cepes, at last.

Our recent weather has proved perfect for mushrooms; hot, wet, and steamy.

We've already had Girolles, we've had a few Parasols, and now it's the turn of the Cepes.

If it was sunnier, I would slice them thinly and dry them outside. But it's a bit overcast, so we'll eat them fresh.

Gastronomy is alive and well, and living chez Cro (and probably elsewhere).... Bonne appétit.
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  1. Yum yum. Envious here, thousands of miles to the west.

  2. Hello:
    This is luxurious living indeed. What a feast!

  3. I've just returned from another morning sortie, and the sun is shining.... I shall slice and dry!

  4. You never cease to amaze me with the variety you have ,very envious.

  5. Again I've just returned from another search. Whilst on a track in the woods (with 3 dogs) I came across a neighbour in his car. I asked if he'd found much. He lied (as is traditional), and said 'no'. When he went on his way, I noticed that he'd snagged some electric fencing wire under his car. He was towing about 400 metres of flat, horse enclosure style, tape behind him.

  6. They look like bread in the photo....I don't think I've ever seen them around here.

  7. Looks like a hearty meals worth there Cro.

    And another nice knife. Opinel?

    I tried to touch Laguiole up for a freebie knife if I did a review on it but apparently it's bad luck to 'give' someone a knife, coin has to be exchanged. My offer of 20p was graciously declined...

  8. Chris. It's a standard No 8 Opinel. I have several in the house, so the markings are simply to differentiate. I've recently bought a No 9 with a stainless blade which is my current 'Eating Knife'. Laguiole make some really beautiful knives... about £60 is the going price, they're stingy bastards!

  9. Curious Cro...have you ever been fooled by a mushroom? seem very confident in your eating choices...not so sure I could trust myself!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. They look fantastic. I love the idea of foraging for fungi but I don't think I'd trust my own judgement about identifying them. What will you make with those then?

  12. Kim. Most of them, plus others, have been thinly sliced and are at this moment drying in the sunshine. Dried Cepes are wonderful in risottos, as well as most winter stews, casseroles, etc. The flavour becomes accentuated.

    Jacqueline. I only gather about 5 varieties, and those 5 I know VERY VERY well.

  13. It looks like you will not go hungry for awhile.

  14. They look amazing. I like the plate and knife, too.

  15. I had to look twice at the photo
    the little knife I thought was a cig!

    I thought to myself... bloody french how unhygenic
