Sunday 29 May 2011

What the.....

One comes across strange things in the countryside; this one was pointed out to me by my friend Craig. What it is; I have no idea.

It's a 6 ft high Gorse bush completely covered in web. No doubt hidden somewhere are either spiders or caterpillars who have been so wonderfully industrious, and no doubt in time they will let themselves be known to us. But for the moment it looks as if the candy-floss man has been practicing his skills out in the open air.

If anyone knows....
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  1. It's Mother's Day here in France, so have a goodie!

  2. That cobwebby stuff looks quite scary - wonder what's lurking inside? Oh and Happy Mother's Day to Lady M - hope you're both having a nice lunch out somewhere today.

  3. I've seen that once before, but not as much of it. I think it is a spider, and if you go back to it in a few days, you will see thousands of the little young ones crawling around beneath it.

  4. It reminds me of something we have on the end of branches on trees here in the US. It is called Bag Worms. The bags can be huge. They are usually burned as the thousands of babies in the bag eventually denude the tree.

    I hope you discover what it is.

  5. We get what we call "caterpiller tents" here in Ontario. You have to cut out the section of tree or bush and burn it. Ugly ugly ugly. Gives me the creeps just thinking about it. Watch your own property for those tents or "candyfloss homes" Cro and try to get rid of them.

  6. Ermine caterpillar moth. Really scary looking webs. We saw them along the hedges in Dorset a few weeks ago. Thought they were spiders until enlightened by a pal of mine:

    There have been loads of news stories about them since.

  7. I see my comment, made last night disappeared - I have seen smaller versions but nothing as large as that.

  8. Cro, I went out today and noticed exactly the same thing on a roadside hedge - quite a lot of it. Perhaps it's something to do with the weird weather conditions we've been having this year. Just going to check out the site mentioned on Elegancemaison's comment - so interesting!

  9. Just posting a message from Ms Bunny at tedand Due to the current Blogger problems, she is unable to leave comments and answer your question. Please would you get in touch with her directly via email to:

  10. Looks like when the spiders take over Willow Manor.
