Monday 9 May 2011


Q: What are the best type of cherries?

A: Scrumped cherries, of course!

Our own youngish cherry tree is a late variety, so for early delights we are forced to visit the trees of others. Actually we do have permission, but I like to think of my having been out scrumping!

Now that we've recently acquired more land, I'll put in some more trees. Early season red fruits are my favourites. Cherries, Strawberries, and Raspberries.
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  1. Yours are early. ours are all still small and green!

  2. For us they are a Christmas fruit..sounds lovely,are you going to do anything special with them or just plain eat them yumm..

  3. Eat them and spit the pips, Carole. That's the best way.

  4. Oh, those make my mouth water Cro! Would you believe our cherries are just blooming. Such a late season this year.

  5. Hello:
    We are eagerly anticipating our return to Hungary next week for the cherries will be just beginning to come into season. We, greedy tarts that we are, eat them by the fistful.

    Enjoy your 'stolen' ones!

  6. Love cherries. They're so expensive here. Do you think I can add a cherry tree to the balcony? Too much?

  7. That photo sums up your life, Cro.

  8. You could almost set that to music, Tom.

  9. Just waiting for my lovely neighbour to bring me a bowlful. I shall make a pig of myself eating them (and yes, you can spit the stones when you eat al fresco) and then pickle the rest in brandy. Mmmmm.

  10. Don't tell me you have ripe cherries already in your corner of the planet....not fair! So, I want, in addition to a bottle of elderberry champers, a pint of fresh scrumped cherries. Overnight shipping, of course. Now get on it!

  11. Ah, scrumped. That wonderful word you taught me. Mind if I help myself to one or two?

  12. We've got a cherry tree - I planted a pip from some cherries we bought in Oswestry market quite a few years ago and it grew ... produces cherries but trouble is the birds usually get there first! Those cherries look scrumptious!

  13. there is nothing more beautiful than cherry blossom!

  14. They look delicious, lucky you!

  15. I love, love, love cherries. If you lived closer, I'd for sure figure out what scrumpling meant and be right over to get a bowlful for myself. Dark cherries are my favorites. Are you planting some of those. Should I move right now?
