Friday 6 May 2011

Elderflower Champers.

The Elders are in flower again, and that means just one thing; Elderflower Champagne 2011.

The recipe I use is this. 6 litres of water, 6 Elderflower heads, the zest of a lemon, the juice of a lemon, 650 gms sugar, and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. Mix together in a clean bucket and leave covered for 24 hrs.

The following day, filter the liquid through several folds of muslin as you bottle it. Make sure you use the right flip-top bottles. Leave for at least 2 weeks before drinking. Chill well, and open your bottles outdoors!

This is the lot I made yesterday, and I shall make another 6 litres today.
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  1. Now that looks really good!! I can imagine you all sitting round sipping your Elderberry easy to make but we do not have Elderberry bushes here much, we must investigate...

  2. It's worth planting one Carole, just for the annual pleasure of one's own 'Champagne'.

  3. Hello:
    Absolutely wonderful and, we are sure, totally delicious. As an aside, we have often wondered how this is made. Now we know!

  4. You have beat me to it.
    I have been watching the elder flowers all week. I am going to make cordial tomorrow.
    Is the champagne alcholic?

  5. 50, I imagine there must be a small amount, but not enough to put your children into re-hab.

  6. Sounds wonderful. I want a taste!

  7. That's so Victorian, I love it.

  8. I don't think our elder trees are in flower yet!
    You've been busy - looks good!

  9. Cro
    I am so GOING TO FOLLOW THIS recipe!

  10. Send me some. Please. Thank-you.

  11. I made this last year. The stuff that we managed to drink was lovely but there was also a spectacular explosion!

  12. I'm afraid 'exploding bottles' are part of the game.
