Monday 23 May 2011

Amazonian Posting.

The youngest fruit of my loins, Wills, makes it his duty to see that my mind is occupied with matters other than just vegetable plants and tubes of umber.

This is his latest offering that arrived in saturday's post.... 'The Hermetica' and 'Corpus Hermeticum' both concern the writings of the thrice-great Hermes (Thoth).... And Wasserman's 'Militia of Heaven', looks at the relationship (if that's the right word) between the two opposing secretive bodies of the Crusades; The Templars and The Assassins.

Does everyone have such thoughtful and considerate offspring? Or am I just privileged.

I thank you my darling; a poignant selection. Oh, how I love my 'children'!
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  1. I think you are surely blessed Cro,we are all so lucky to have lovely kids some of them are more thought ful than others but it is all "reap what you sew" so you must have reaped very well.

  2. Hello:
    Sadly, we do not have children so are denied gifts through the post of a little light reading for the weekend.

    Anyway, you will have whisked through those by now and are most likely back to reading something a little more serious!

  3. I send chicken salt. I think that makes me thoughtful...

  4. Chicken salt sounds good. What the hell is it?

  5. Louis' just lent me Wimpy Kid 'Dog Days'! He's not so highbrow as your son but then he's only eight.

  6. Chicken salt is what chickens sprinkle over their chips. (A surprise package arrived here in rural France all the way from Oz containing this wondrous substance.)

  7. My, my! Sounds a bit like the salt I sprinkle on my celery plants.

  8. oh, isn't it wonderful our children love us in spite of ourselves! hmmmm chicken salt

  9. Very thoughtful. Now get to it. Is there a quiz over what you read at the end of the summer?

  10. Of course, Amy. We'll all be reading your book!
