Monday 2 May 2011

2 Months away?

I love summer. Children running wild, eating outside, siestas in the afternoon shade, chilled sparkling wines, fresh tomatoes from the garden. Throw in a few swims and an evening barbeque, and life doesn't get much better.

It hardly ever gets TOO hot here in S W France. We occasionally have a few days of 36-38 degrees C, but they are rare. 25-30 is much more common.

It's still officially spring, and it's already been up to 30ish. Roll on summer, but before all that... can we have some rain please!!
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  1. Hello:
    You paint such an idyllic picture of summer here. May we come and join you?

    In Budapest at the height of summer the temperature often touches 40C which is just a little too hot. Most people then retreat at weekends to the Buda Hills or the Balaton where it is slightly cooler. But for all that, we love it. We do hope you have your rain!

  2. I think you got your wish last night Cro. Certainly our garden went slurrrrp, thank you very much!

  3. We just had three claps of thunder, and four raindrops!

  4. I love your seating area. We are putting in a declaration de travaux for a "kiosk" as the maire described it. A 5m round shape with a roof and low sides, but beacause we are less than 500m from a batiment historique it is complicated!!

  5. Sounds good 50. Wouldn't 'pergola' or 'gloriette' be more appropriate? You'd have to sell fags and ice creams in a 'kiosk'!

  6. The yard looks glorious and your idea of summer, even more so! I love all those things too, but we are still have a lot of cool weather and this week it is supposed to rain 5 out of 7 days! It was that way the whole of April. Everything is green and lush though and all the flowering trees are out in all their glory...beautiful!

    LOVE your picture!

  7. Love your seating area... I wish I could send you some of this danged rain...we've had one day out of ten of sun and the rest has been grey gloomy windy and wet. Everything is saturated. We are below average for heat as well. Rats!!

  8. Love the picture. I have one of Liam like that, though not in such a gorgeous veranda setting. This is a beautiful time of year, and glad to hear you've had some rain finally!

  9. Oh, I remember this picture when you posted it before. It's one of my favorites of yours. Enjoyed seeing it again.

  10. Willow, it represents everything that I love about the warmer weather. Once again we have similar tastes!

  11. We're short of rain here too! As long as it doesn't arrive in the middle of a barbecue!

  12. I am just getting used to siestas myself!
