Friday 1 April 2011

The Woods.

There's something about woodland! And nothing I like more than walking through the thick of the trees, either mushrooming or just taking the dogs out.

If I didn't think it so 'homespun', I'd join Prince Charles and become a 'tree-hugger'.

However, I shall content myself with painting and drawing woodland. I've done it since I was quite young (above is from 1974, at my parents home in the beautiful Sussex village of West Chiltington); and I think I'll continue until I die.


  1. And so you should I thought this one was just terrific..thanks for sharing Cro.

  2. I just love the smell of woodland - that rotting leaf, earthy odour. Can't resist a pathway through the woods, even at the risk of meeting the big, bad wolf.

  3. I've never been called that before!

  4. Beautiful picture...your trees look like ladies with their arms outstretched. We don't spend nearly as much time as we should close to the trees.

  5. I see a few faces among these wise old oaks. Wonderful drawing.

  6. Very nice!! Cro... I love to walk in the woods too. LadyCat and I have recently moved and there is a wooded area with trails in it close to our new home.. wwe love going there and walking. Have a great weekend, my friend! :)

  7. I love your woodland drawing Cro. The trees and hedges are just starting to green over and its lovely. I love this time of the year!

  8. You and my manly man would get along so well.
    He joined the mycological society when we moved here years ago, our daughters called him a geek until he told them he signed up the whole family, so they were members too! They were abhored!
    Your woods are lovely and your mushrooms are beautiful!

  9. I live amongst trees too and love them all. There are dangers though. We had an ice storm a few years ago and I went outside under a porch to let my dog out. We had no electricity from the storm and in the dark I heard huge loud thuds. In the morning I saw that three huge trees had fallen. I was glad they weren't aimed at my house!!
    Other than that, I love the trees too!! Would love to see your art work of them.
