Monday 18 April 2011

Suave Harv' & Ollie.

Having one's own children is good enough, but having grandchildren is on another level.

It's confirmation that one's own works were good; and that the human system is a success. The gene pool has been carefully fished, and the correct formula put into action.

These two cool dudes are my London based grandsons; the children of my oldest son Kimbo. They'll be with us in July/August; one of the highlights of my year. Nice boys; Cool shades!


  1. That will be a busy two months for you....cute kids.

  2. And I bet they're counting the days until they can see Grampy!

  3. They look cool! I bet they're a handful and fun at the same time. xo

  4. Salut MP. Yes they are, and I love it!!

  5. Too cool for school. Have fun you boys!

  6. They're going to love playing with Monty this summer. Has your pool got a dog-proof liner?

  7. I'm glad you love them so much. I know it sounds strange, but there are grandparents who don't spend any time with their grandkids, and so your enthusiasm is refreshing. They're adorable and too cool!

  8. Sue; he's banned from the pool area. Our liner is just a liner; no idea if it's dog proof. I doubt it!

  9. Wow there aree a couple of serious heartbreakers of the future there, just gorgeous Cro i know exactly what you mean.

  10. sometimes I thinkI would have loved kids....
    buut the responsibility is just too scary!!!

  11. I like to say that grandchildren are so like my children, but perfected.

  12. Priceless. The younger one is definitely the cooler of the dudes.
