Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Last of the Carrots.

Traditionally we plant our root crops on Good Friday (22nd April, this year); i.e. Onions, Potatoes, and Carrots. I've learned the hard way never to rush anything.

Amazingly we are still digging our Carrots from last year's spring sowing. They're no longer 'perfect', but they trim up OK. These I've just dug this morning; in the half light.

They will go into a garlic, cummin, and harissa, flavoured Lamb stew, alongside some chunky Potatoes and Butter Beans; and gently cook for about 2 hours. Rustic fare!.


  1. We've just dug up a few of last year's spring onions prior to rotovating our patch. Do you think they'll still be edible? (Yeh - OK, I'll try one and see.) Your dinner sounds delicious.

  2. It has been a long time since I went outside and dug up part of my dinner. Brings back lovely memories though of sunwarmed tomatoes and tender young peas.

  3. I've just dug the last of my Leeks too.

  4. Those are beauties! I like that you plant them on Good Friday every year.

  5. Fresh carrots from the garden are the best. Great crop there!

  6. Your carrots look good, Cro. Ours have long gone, leeks and spuds too. I've got some rows of carrots, beetroot and new potatoes which have come through in the tunnel but a bit of a long wait yet! I hate the supermarket ones!

  7. See how clever Mother Nature is Cro...to leave you just enough carrots from last year until you start planting new one for this year. Your feast sounds fabulous!
