Saturday 16 April 2011

Gnome Sweet Gnome.

This strange looking object is my 'Gnome'.

I'm an insomniac, and rather than get up at all hours, I prefer to stay in bed until about 5.30am whilst listening to the radio.

My Sky Gnome is linked to my Sky Satellite TV system, and allows me to listen to various favourite radio stations throughout the night. I have about 8 stations programmed in, amongst which are BBC Radios 4 and 7 (now 4extra), World Service, and LBC. The Gnome is wireless, has an 8 hour charge,  and can be used anywhere up to about 30 metres away from its transmitter. It also has an earphone, so that I don't disturb Lady M.

Unfortunately the transmitter (a similar looking box) has suddenly failed on me, and the bloody thing no longer works. Frankly this is a disaster. It's probably an interior fuse that's blown; or worse. I'm undecided whether to take it to a specialist for repair (sounds expensive), or simply buy a whole new caboodle (slightly more expensive).

Amazing how not having radio can really disrupt life; well, mine at least! I've been getting up at 4am!!!

STOP PRESS:  I've decided to go for the 'new' Gnome option; that way I'll have two recievers, and one transmitter..... perfect!..... I've ordered it on-line.


  1. Well done Cro! seems we are creatures of habit with some things and this time technology is brilliant,I have not heard of these,what a great idea.

  2. A life-saver Carole. No more crackly BBC World Service on a Short Wave radio; I now have perfect satellite sound.

  3. And of course, you can always catch up on BBC iPlayer on your computor!

  4. Interesting triangular shape. Does it feel good when you touch it?

  5. Feels like Ramases II might have owned one!

  6. Haven't listened to the radio in bed since I was a teenager trying to tune in to Radio Luxembourg. Reception used to be dreadful, fading in and out all the time. I rarely suffer from insomnia, in fact I struggle to stay awake most of the time!

  7. Listening to the radio is a fav of mine too, Cro. Habits are hard to change and my best station has changed format on me and now I can't find a suitable replacement. Irritating and sad. Hope I find a solution as well as you did!!

  8. When I was a teenager (think jurassic park) my dad found a small transister radio in the ditch. He gave it to me. I used to listen to plays in the middle of the night. Dang thing would cut in and out but I was in heaven...not a good sleeper in those days.

  9. Glad you solved the problem. Sounds like a sweet deal.

  10. I think that's a good idea too. Happy listening, Cro!

  11. I have my own "gnome"
    my digital radio....if it wasnt for him
    I would be mad as a box of frogs!!!!
