Saturday 12 March 2011

Winter Landscape.

We are still having some overnight frosts, and our mornings can be bitterly cold. It's that time of year when I find walking in the woods both beautiful, and depressing. The coldness of the bare tree-trunks is only occasionally forgiven by the sight of a small patch of wild violets, or the sound of footsteps crunching on last autumn's crisp fallen leaves.
My annual winter depression has a while yet to fester. When eventually I see a haze of new green in the chestnut canopies, it will begin to lift and I shall breathe again. I might even dig deeper into my box of colours , and find something warmer.
I painted this small picture just over a week ago when it was still wretchedly cold, and although for the moment our mornings are still grey, icy, and stark; our days are actually beautifully warm and sunny. My depression must soon be in danger of lifting, I can feel it in the air.
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  1. Nice picture. It would make (and I mean this in the best possible sense) a good cushion cover. We almost bought some cushions based on Cragie Aitchisons recently.

  2. Jeez. I'd never thought of that; but why not!

  3. It's funny how depression in artists yields such wonderful stuff. I really like this. Whatever manic state you were in brought out a great sense for color and lines. Nice.

  4. I love that picture and all the warmth and the colour in it. I think we're all suffering a bit from Winter blaaah, Cro. Things are starting to move and grow a bit now and a bit of sunshine is so nice too!

  5. Woke up to brilliant sunshine this morning. Our past few days of rain has all but washed the snow away and while everything is very muddy it's glorious. Just like your picture Cro...full of light and promise.

  6. Those who do not experience winter will not really appreciate the marvels of springtime. I say this both literally and figuratively.

    Like your picture Cro. I see myself and what I have been going through these past few months. However, I am ready to bloom.

  7. I was going to ask the silly question of "is it on cloth"? then when Tom said about a cushion cover I thought well it must be..I really like it Cro maybe just looking at it will warm your heart it is nice,I came back a few times to look and appreciate it being somone who knows absolutely nothing about art lol.
