Saturday 5 March 2011

Monty, a Canine Adolescent.

Here boy....... fetch!

At just 10 weeks, Monty is growing at an alarming rate, and I've already started to teach him the basics.

He now happily understands that outdoors is one huge welcoming lavatory (and indoors isn't), he's also learning to 'sit', and I've just begun working on 'find gold coins'.

Find the coins Monty....... find the coins!

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  1. He is, isn't he. Do you think I could train him to find cepes?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ooops sorry!!! I accidentally pressed the delete button somehow. What I was gonna say was: oh my god is he cute!!!! I adore animals and you just can't resist puppies. You gotta love them haha. And a dog is a great family member. You will have much fun with him, even though I'm sure you already do :)

  4. nothing like a happy face to come home to. Very handsome guy.

  5. What a beautiful little guy and LOOK at the size of those feet. You may need an addition on the house.

  6. What does gold smell like, Cro?

  7. Monty is a little treasure in himself. He looks very kidnap-able. Pleased to say my OH is so much better today, My OH is so much better today, Thanks so much for your lovely comment Cro!

  8. Cro it's got that bad I'm repeating myself - sorry about that!

  9. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. The good news is the important bit... the important bit!

  10. Is he a yellow lab? If so, their hearts are as big as their feet.

  11. I suppose so, SO-AC-M. He's a rescue pup so we're not entirely sure of both sides. To me he looks pretty well pure lab'. He's already showing signs of 'big heart'.

  12. Looks like he's stuck on sticks! He's adorable.

  13. Hi Cro, he is so lovely,he will probably find water for you instead of gold as they love water lol,he is a goodlooking young man isn't he...have to send him over here to teach Miss Molly a thing or tow as she is still occasionally leaving a an unwanted message inside even though she has just been out! whats the secret in that?lucky she is a tiny dog and does tiny jobs!

  14. What a happy dog...he's adorable!

  15. Puppy love! I'll have to enjoy his puppy-ness vicariously -- my husband is not a dog person :(
