Tuesday 22 March 2011

Has Cro Lost His Marbles?

I bought these for my grandsons last summer, but could hardly face the idea of parting with them.

I feared that they would immediately be lost, so initially I gave them just ONE EACH. The next time I saw the boys (a few seconds later) both marbles had already gone, so I now feel vilified in having put the remainders aside.

Back in a loft in the UK I have a small collection of 'antique' marbles. These modern ones are not particularly well made, but they are still very beautiful objects.

I've always viewed marbles as a tiny example of man's control of nature. First, dig some sand.... etc.


  1. I remember getting lost in single marbles, staring at them when I was a kid, Cro. Did you let them have the train-set, or is it still in your bedroom?

  2. It's my collection of Barbie Dolls that I covet the most!

  3. I bought myself a beautful set (does one call them that?) of marbles from the Mitsukoshi department store in Tokyo. I keep them in a jar in my living room mostly to look at, but sometimes for the security of knowing that when I "loose my marbles", I know just where to go and find them.

  4. Oh, Cro, these are beauties. I have a thing for marbles. Yes, you must keep them for yourself.

  5. Ah for those golden days when we played marbles in the schoolyard at recess. Yours are beauties.

  6. Marbles are something special. I love the ribbons of color inside.

  7. Hi Cro, I am a buttonaholic and have literally thousands in old bottles and tins in my sewing and work area and amongst those bottles are my marbles, I love them! I have 3 jars of marbles,I kept my sons in their little pouch that he had them in for years and then added them to the jars,some are very old and some newer,love the feel of them,byut none so handsome as yours,I also have at times given a couple to the grandchildren only to find they are gone and we on hands and knees till we found them lol ...anyway great post...

  8. I certainly do. He's back in England; unfortunately in the loft! Normally he's with me at all times. He hasn't changed.
