Monday 28 February 2011

The Skype Prize.

Skype performs miracles. It changes perfectly ordinary humans into abstract, frozen, pixilated, zombies.

The whole concept of Skype is brilliant, but I've just spent half an hour talking to images such as the above (No 1 son, Kimbo, and Harvey J, in London). It is the kit I'm using? Or does everyone experience this?

p.s. If I blew-up this picture to 60ft by 40ft; It could well be a contender for The Turner Prize (a London art comp').


  1. It's 7 am, and I've just heard the first real dawn chorus of spring. It's as if the whole area is full of birdsong. Wonderful.

  2. There are some blackbirds around here at the moment and their truely wonderful song rings in the sunrise each morning now, heralding in the spring. Birdsong fills me with joy.

  3. I'm guessing that you blew up the image to full-screen to get that pixilation, Cro. I think you are meant to view it in a little window, but I don't know - I never use skype.

  4. It doesn't ALWAYS appear like the above, but it's like that at least 50% of the time. Maybe I'll try reducing the size... that does sound logical.

  5. You've got to remember we are at the end of the pipe when it comes to the internet out here!

    You could try turning off other software that's running in the background, and make sure that you are plugged in for power.

    But as the pipe is quite thin Skype can only get so much info down it ;)

  6. I think you need to check your equipment Cro. Sounds like it's not up to the job!

  7. Craig. It sounds like I need some pipe-cleaners!

  8. Thanks for that Sue; that's what Lady M's been saying for ages!

  9. I have the same thing happen with skype. And then I remind myself that we've come a long way from a tin can and a piece of string. When I'm talking with my sons via skype, we often dissolve into laughter at the image of the other, the dissolving faces, the frozen expressions. It's entertaining, really.

  10. Wow! Brilliant image!! We use skype a lot at the manor.
