Wednesday 2 February 2011


I recently posted a picture of my idea of 'Hell' (29. 1. 11). To counteract that, here is my idea of 'Heaven' (preferably without Quad Bike tracks).

Every day, I take whatever animals turn-up for a long walk. In this case just Oscar and The Black Bast*rd; my two current favourites.

These two dogs absolutely adore each other, and when together their time is spent pretend-fighting, chasing deer, and running after almost anything that moves; horses, cows, cats, birds, other dogs. They're spoilt for choice.

I love being out in the woods with them, it's pure relaxation (if not for the wildlife). Recently they've been barking up at the Pine canopies that are filled with thousands of 'Palombes' (Wood pigeons), just for the fun of seeing them all take-off. For bizarre climactic reasons, these birds have failed to cross the Pyrenees, and look like spending the entire winter with us instead.

A hunter's favourite, Wood pigeons are very good to eat. But as plentiful as they are, I'm still not hearing the amount of shots that I would normally have expected.

Maybe I should renew my shotgun licence; actually I need a new shotgun too. My old one I loaned to a Dutch Chef (oxymoron?); he subsequently died, and that was the last I saw of it.

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  1. That looks suspiciously like the place I go blackberrying. If you see a crazy woman in the autumn wobbling down the track on a bicycle stand well clear because my brakes are a bit dodgy, as is my sense of direction.

  2. As it happens, Sue; it's one of OUR favourite blackberry patches too. See you there!

  3. I have just written a very similar post!

  4. That is a great path. My ideal house would have one right outside the back door, no doubt I'd take a walk every single day. Love those doggies!

  5. Love the photo Cro! The track looks quite dry and sandy. It's been tipping down here all day!

  6. Hi Cro.what a great place to wander,where I live is very hilly and to have astroll sometimes we are almost doubled over,however there is a great track around the golf course that almost all the town uses and it is beside the river,i will have to take a pic when i get off my tush and start walking again! bet the dogs have a great time there..p.s. hope your family faired well as the cyclone crossed a bit between thankfully..

  7. I think that would be just about perfect in my books too Cro. Lucky you.
