Tuesday 11 January 2011

The office. 11. 1. 11

This is where I do most of my stuff. You see the comfy Ikea office-style chair, bottom left? Well that's where I'm sitting at this very moment.

I love this room; it has three main purposes. It's my studio, my office, and my DIY workshop. Unfortunately it's also Lady Magnon's junk room, but that's another story.

Ahead I look out onto the winter-covered pool, and to my right is our roofed terrace with unadulterated landscape beyond. There are deer in the fields, buzzards in the sky, and calm all around. It's also raining like crazy.

At this time of year I heat the room with a small oil filled stove. Just before 6ish each morning I turn-on the laptop, light the stove, and before my first coffee of the day is made (blue mug bottom right), the room is warm, the machine booted, and I'm ready for action.

Then, of course, comes the tricky bit! What inconsequential nonsense will attract my meanderings today?
Those with high-powered magnifying glasses will note that my calendar shows February 2010; I was just admiring a picture of Brighton beach huts in the snow.
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  1. So let's look at the evidence. Who lives in a house like this?

    Loving the little red car and your drawing of the dog.

  2. That's totally a "taking over the world" chair. All you need is a white fluffy cat!

  3. I've got a Tabby; would that do?

  4. The nerve-centre of the vast Magnon empire.

  5. Two laptops! M'Lady's I resume?

  6. Looks like a well-loved, well-lived-in space...(given my experience though...that coffee cup might be a tad too close to your laptop...careful Cro!).

  7. Cozy little nest. I work best surrounded by my stuff. Happy elevens!

  8. Hi Cro, looks like a "action" area,and of course all ladies have to have a junk area lol.On another note with our country in the most devastating ravaging floods and the state of Queensland in a shocking time I am wondering if your son and family are safe Cro,we have 78 missing and 13 dead at the moment the last one a little 4 year old boy washed away while being rescued, the floods are travelling down into our state and have come in walls of water never seen before.Just hoping your family are safe and well.Carole

  9. It's actually my daughter who lives in 'Rocky'. She keeps telling us that she's OK, but I think that her husband is secretly thinking of building an arc!

    It's an almost unimaginable tragedy. One expects a Queensland summer to be perfect.

    We'll keep our fingers crossed that you stay dry. Best wishes, Cro.

  10. Blessed Life...I'm saying my prayers for all of you suffering through these devastating floods.
    Your workspace looks like a place for creativity Cro.
