Friday 14 January 2011

New Life.

Look what I spotted in the garden yesterday. The first miniature daffs of 2011, poking their heads up, and, by the look of it, almost about to burst into flower. Yippee.
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  1. Great find,looks like you are going to have a nice show there,first flowers of the new season always fill your heart with joy and your head with things you want to do..enjoy.Carole

  2. Wasn't it Matisse who had the love for nasturtiums? I don't know why that popped into my mind. Maybe France, artist, garden....

    Do you do paintings of your garden, Cro?

  3. Far too complicated Jim. I'm really a 'figure painter'; people etc.

    Tom is a Nasturtium fan. When we were at college he once presented us with a meal of rolled up Nasturtium leaves; the insides having been spread with Marmite!! Actually they were very good.

  4. You are lucky Cro to have Spring is waving her fancy skirts in your garden already...we are still in the grips of Winter...another major snowfall today!

  5. Still dead of winter in my neck of the woods. No daffs here for at least three more months.

  6. Well, it's been a really beautiful spring day here today.... but it ain't over yet. I've even known it to snow on Easter Day!

  7. Lovely stuff, those daffs. I've spent many a dark January night perusing seed catalogs, dreaming of all blooming things.

  8. It's been mild here too! No sign of daffodils yet though!

  9. That's what's so fabulous about this time of year, things start popping up out of the ground to give us signs of new beginnings.
