Thursday 27 January 2011

The Longest Ever Winter?

This winter really seems to be dragging on, and I have to admit; I'm a bit BORED with it all.

There are probably two whole months to endure before I can seriously think of getting stuck into work at Haddock's. Two whole months just to walk the dog, do a spot of painting, practice my bread making skills, etc. Two whole months before we see any vestige of new growth.

Not that I'm idle. I have plenty to do. My days are filled with chain-sawing duties, fire-lighting duties, and pretending to be Jamie Oliver. But I can't wait to start sowing some seeds, rotovate where the onions and carrots will go, and get some proper dirt under my fingernails. I always like to over-fill my days and have TOO MUCH to do.

Spring will also mean finishing off the work on the 'tower', something I've been itching to do for months. Then I shall probably start work on the 'sechoir'; the silvery-grey wooden building you can see upper left above. I'm not going to do too much; just make it more attractive, more business-like, and more fitted to our particular needs.

I also have plans to return to chicken-keeping; I want the black ones with bright red combs, if I can find any.

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  1. Animals that hibernate and birds that fly south have got the right idea, eh Cro?

  2. I shall be coming out of hibernation in about 10 weeks time and tunnelling south. In the meantime Paul is like a caged animal, can't wait to get back to his garden. He planted some green manure (red clover and some other stuff) back in the autumn and needs to rotovate it in. It's a bit of an experiment but hopefully we'll have a bumper crop of salad and veg for the summer.

  3. Sue, I've been throwing glances at my rotovator recently. Given a warm afternoon I might well try to rid Haddock's of some of the weeds.

  4. Tom. At my parents last home in Sussex there was a door knocker on their bedroom door. The previous owner used to hibernate, and his maid would simply bring up everything he needed (hence the knocker). Sensible man.

  5. It seems the older I get, the longer and colder the winters are.

    Chickens are a lot of work, and in my neck of the woods, they attract snakes (poisonous ones) that can ruin hands and arms and can kill dogs. I killed four last year in the garden.

    So I'll put the top down on the car and listen to opera while driving through the country side soaking in the warmth.

  6. It won't be long . . . I just want to say how pretty those fields look! I see a bit of green and so again, it won't be long . . .

    St Patty's Day is always my goodbye to winter. Even if it snows the next day my brain refuses to go back to cold and snow. Bring on the sun!

  7. I'm sitting here in The Land of Perpetual Grey feeling more than a mite envious of your blue skies. Just sayin'.

  8. You know, we've had snow cover nearly every day since December 1st! Actually, I'm quite fond of snow, so I'm not complaining.

    I want chickens.

  9. Hi Cro. I think out of everything that breathes around our place I love my chickens the best,I have some little Peekins for decoration (thats what BOb says ) and Isa Browns for layers they are great layers but when my little ones go to heaven i will have some black hens,there is something so soothing about a big brown egg,although my brown hens lay brown eggs and the little hens lay eggs the size of a lolly!Hope the sun shines soon for you,we had another 44c day today yukk hopeing for a 24 today !

  10. Hi again just realised that I wanted to add a little note for Grouchy, we over here get a Guniea Fowl or several depending on your space, to wander with the chooks it keeps the snakes at bay and they are lovely to boot,it is the usual for farmers etc here to do this.

  11. I wonder if your 'Peekins' are what we call 'Bantams'? My people always used to keep a few, along with the hens and ducks.
