Sunday 16 January 2011

Larf? I nearly wet m'self....

I LAUGH. I laugh outloud. If I find something funny (which happens quite often) then I can't stop. I am an inveterate LAUGHER!

Lady Magnon, on the other hand, is not. She can watch the funniest of comedies on TV, and not even crack the hint of a miniscule smile. (This doesn't mean she's not finding it funny!)

So, when I recently heard Lady M burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter (I was in the studio at the time), I couldn't wait to see who, or what, had changed her lifetime's strict regime of self-control.

I could hardly believe it. She was watching an early 1980's re-run of 'Terry and June'; a banana-skin, 'I love Lucy' style, slapstick-sit-com, that would bring out blisters on a hyena..... and laughing her Swedish socks off. Amazing!


  1. Don't you just love it when the person you love can still surprise you after a long life together?Just proves you never really know each other if somone had told you they heard Lady M laughing out loud you would not have believed them,how delightful it is.Carole

  2. I don't think you would like a surprise like that, Carole. You've obviously never seen Terry and June.

  3. I've got a bad habit of laughing when remembering something funny. Usually when I'm on my own. I look like a lunatic laughing to myself. At least I'm happy.

  4. Actually, I was sobbing. Boo hoo hoo!!!!!!

  5. I'm afraid I always laugh at inappropriate things. On a beach in Egypt the sunbeds were lined up at the water's edge. A very elderly lady was reclining on one. Her adult son came along and sat on the end of it, accidentally catapulting elderly lady straight into the sea.
    I know I shouldn't have laughed...

  6. Terry and June! Blimey Cro - that's going back a long way. I'm chortling away typing this, reading all the comments!

  7. I'm a laughter. I'm often the only one laughing loud and clear in a whole theater of silent viewers.

  8. We're like peas in a pod, Willow. I'm exactly the same!

  9. i live with a great laugh out louder; this post and all the comments give me a Cheshire cat grin.
