Sunday 30 January 2011

Anyone for Peacock?

These extraordinary gold and jewell-encrusted peacocks were made by the father of my two grandsons in Australia. His father was/is also in the business, and makes only the very finest, most expensive pieces, for those who have several bucks to spare (not I; nor are they actually my 'tasse de thé').

The peacocks are, at present, to be found (heavily guarded) in a hotel lobby in Macau, Hong Kong.

My son-in-law has made pieces for members of the royal family, and is well known amongst certain of London's most exclusive jewellers, who are commissioned to make such things.

So, if you're looking for a coronation crown, a diamond covered ipod, or just a special gold mascot for the front of your Royce... I'll put you in touch!


  1. Well Cro, what about that! can you imagine the talent that your grandchildren are going to have?from both sides,totally different art forms but both just was wonderous..pity my hallway is so small hee hee hee,then again not my cup of tea either but i can see the beauty in them,,just imagine the hours that it all took.

  2. One learns something every day - beautiful work.

  3. Blimey - that's a rarified job with a limited market!

  4. Only multi-millionaire Arabs need apply!

  5. Very impressive. I can't even imagine the work that went into each feather!

  6. It sounds like a dynasty of artists.


  7. Thank god you posted this -- I'm fresh out of crowns!
