Friday 24 December 2010

Our Very Best Wishes.

Cro (in France) and Lady Magnon (snow-bound in Blighty) would like to wish all our blogger friends good health, reasonable wealth, a well roasted turkey, not too much plum pudding, and, most importantly, all for yourself that you wished for others whilst you were feeling generous.

We hope that all your projects prove fruitful, your daily work satisfying, your chores not too arduous, and your dreams achievable. May 2011 prove to be the very best year of your life.

Nos meilleurs voeux pour Noel, et la nouvelle année.

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  1. The above photo was taken last year. But guess what; I woke this morning to EXACTLY the same scene. Thank goodness I did all my shopping yesterday!

  2. .....and now my power keeps cutting out.. Bloody EDF! (Sorry Sami).

  3. Joyeux Noel! I've enjoyed my vists to your little part of the world. Our Christmas will be wet but at least it won't be hideously hot. Best wishes. x

  4. Happy Christmas Cro, to you and yours! The past year of knowing you has been an absolute pleasure!

  5. Happy Christmas to you and your family x

  6. Merry, merry, merry, merry, merry, merry , merry Christmas Cro!

  7. Bless you Cro...thanks for all you have shared with us on these pages...
    A very Merry Christmas, hope Lady Magnon arrives home safely soon.
    And all the best for 2011...
    And in the lovely words of H. Jackson Brown Jr. -

    'May your life be crowded with unexpected joys!!'

  8. Merry Christmas Cro - hope you have a wonderfully self-indulgent Xmas with not too many power cuts.

  9. Happy Christmas Cro to both of you.

  10. Merry Christmas Co and lady M..hope you will soon be reunited and enjoy a late but perfectly lovely Christmas together.Thanks for opening up another world to our home..Ho Ho ho bless you and all your lovely family.Carole.

  11. A lovely photograph Cro, looks like the setting for a complex emotional film. Perhaps you need to revise your script!

    Wishing you a warm and comfortable Christmas and a joyful reunion with Lady Magnon.
