Saturday 4 December 2010

Cro's Offering of Seasonal Pix.

It's the dog with the human eyes. He never misses the opportunity of a long walk; even in the snow.

The children's mini garden bench, looking rather forlorn without its usual covering of beach towels and toys. At least the sun's shining!

Some of what's left up at Haddock's (after the deer), waiting patiently for Christmas. Roast Turkey wouldn't be the same without wonderful SPROUTS. I love them.

And finally, this is today's view from in front of the cottage. Surprisingly it's not TOO cold, and (it hurts me to admit) all rather beautiful.
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  1. Beautiful Cro...especially the Children's Bench...that picture is special.

  2. Nice photos, Cro. I too fall into the 'love 'em' camp as far as sprouts go. To hell with the poncy chefs.

  3. I can feel the cold wind blowing. Shiver. Too bad your little ones aren't there to play in the snow!

  4. You've captured some really beautiful light in these photos! Brrrrr!

  5. Cro - we heard on the news that France was going to get some snow. Love it or hate it - looks very picturesque! BTW very envious of your sprout plants in Haddocks - looking great!

  6. Awe, he admitted it! It is beautiful ! Such a cute doggy, lovely pictures! Enjoy.

  7. Just returned to blogland and read your blog on father's brother. Would you email me that photo please and do you have any others. I didn't know the story.
