Sunday 21 November 2010

Top Secret.

Look what I've found!

Every summer when my grandsons visit, I take out my infamous 'Grumpy's Top Secret Adventure Book'.

Each day I place it in clear view of the boys, who are given the strictest instruction that they should NOT OPEN IT on any account. They can't wait for my back to be turned. What small boy could resist!

Inside, there's a small secret department into which I place a clue about hidden treasure. Nothing too complicated; they'll become more difficult in time. See Harvey J, above, holding one such clue.

Eventually they find two hidden gold coins (one each), filled with chocolate. They are always ecstatic; and I am too. Summer wouldn't be the same without Grumpy's book.

My apologies to George Eliot. I'm afraid I massacred a copy of her very first novel 'Adam Bede' in order to create my little game; but in the name of adventure, I think she might almost have approved.

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  1. My grandson, Ollie (Harvey J's younger brother), is 3 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLLIE!

  2. I think this elevates you to the rank of Perfect Grandfather!

  3. What a great idea! Cro the pirate trainer. Haha. I love it!

  4. Brilliant! I shall steal this idea if I am ever blessed with grandchildren.

  5. Cro - I'm sure George Elliot wouldn't mind! You're the greatest Grumpy ever - ask Harvey J and Ollie. Happy 3rd birthday to Ollie. Have a wonderful day!

  6. This is so very sweet. What great fun your grandsons must have with you!

  7. Hi Cro,what fun ,I can imagine they just absolutely love this and they will remember it forever!Our grandchildren are from 12 to 4 and the eldest boy Alex often says Grammy remember when we used to do this or that when we were small,it stays with them,but I think this is the very best idea I have ever heard,great work Cro.Happy birthday to young MR Ollie.

  8. Do the same with your Will, Cro - that'll fuck them up.

  9. Don't you just love Tom! he cracks me up and Tom thats not as crazy as it sounds lol..but what will they say when the treasure chest is found and Cro has already spent all the inheritance lol..onya Tom you make us smile.

  10. Tom. I may have only two chocolate coins to leave!

  11. Ooooooh! I love this idea! We've got to try it! I'll give you another that we used to do with our kids. We had a brass Aladin's lamp that we told that kids that if they could rub it a special way the Geni inside would put some candy in it. You should have seen them trying to rub it every way possible. We even told them that they had to do a dance around the apple tree first. Then when they weren't looking we put some candy in it. They thought it was so much fun and never caught on.

  12. I like it Julie. I shall add that to my armory of games. Thanks!
