Tuesday 23 November 2010

It's Paté Making Time.

Yesterday I made my first lot of 'every-day' Paté. Everything necessary is now 'on offer', and I bought a whole 5 kg Pork Belly, a whole 2 kg Liver, and about 1kg of 'throat' meat and fat.

My only bit of serious paté making kit is this electric mincer, with which I processed (on the coursest setting) 2 kg Belly, 1 kg Liver, and 1 kg 'Throat'. Oh, and some truffle.

I added 5 eggs, dried herbs, salt and pepper, Armagnac, and a few dried chilli flakes.

The mixture was potted into 350 gm jars, and sterilised for 3 hours on our wonderful wood fired stove 'George'. Unfortunately the photo gives no idea of all the steam and heat involved.

And here's most of the finished product, which I've just cleaned and checked-over, ready to be tasted in about 3 months time. Last year I slightly under-salted, so my fingers are crossed.
Today I'll do it all again. My second batch will be slightly different, with more Liver to Belly ratio (1 kg of each). Happy days.

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  1. I forgot to include prices. Belly pork €2.05 kg, Liver €0.99 kg, and 'Throat' €1.50 kg. Making my first batch work out at about €4.50 for 13 350 gm jars. Not bad eh?

  2. Wow Cro well done!! I have never had a go at pate' and we have so many yummy cabbages ready I am looking at making sourcrout???I sure need to look up the spelling lol at the moment we are just enjoying them with some butter,pepper,salt,pre cooked bacon and onion and just cooked until turning to soft,not so good for the waist but yummy,we will also make coleslaw with them..I really would like a go at pate' once again well done.Carole

  3. We mostly eat our cabbages finely shredded in lunchtime soup. I bought a dozen plants at market in late summer, and they have grown HUGE. Delicious.

  4. Would love your cabbage soup recipe Cro.
    The only pate I have ever made is chicken liver.
    Might give this one a go, although I have no idea where to get 'throat'...!

  5. 'Gorge de porc' sounds so much more gastronomically-acceptable. As for our cabbage soup, we just keep adding to it, so no recipe I'm afraid.

  6. I think 'throat' is called 'pork cheek' in the UK.

  7. Looks complicated—I'm very impressed! My mother used to buy goose liver pate at the grocery store, and she would eat it on saltines or bread. "Braunschweiger" she called it. I liked the first couple of helpings, but could only eat so much. Yours looks like it has more substance and flavor, with all the herbs and the eggs, etc.

  8. Mine is a classic French farmhouse paté, as made in nearly all homes here.

  9. Please bring some when you "pop in" for the pageant, Santa.

  10. Wait -- I think you said "pop over". Whatever. What's important here is the homemade pate.

    (wv: forth. "Pop forth"?!)

  11. Swap a jar for some real corned beef?

  12. Yum. Aren't you industrious? I'm impressed. Pate is a holiday tradition at the manor, as well, but I make mine from chicken livers.
