Friday 1 October 2010

Yesterday's Willow Ball.

Typically of Lady Magnon's photography I'm actually just out of shot, over the shoulder of the man on the left (that's the top of my head), but what a fun night we all had. My partner for the evening was old friend Lesley Hornby; better known as Twiggy. Lesley did her best to teach me the Tango; I'm afraid she failed miserably.

Lady Magnon's partner was Professor Jonathan Ashmore (you may remember him as the little boy in 'A kid for two fathings'). Jonathan is now professor of biophysics at UCL, where he's working on a cure for Tinnitus. In between dances with Lady M, he tried to instruct me on the workings of the inner ear; again to no avail.

It was good to meet, and chat with, Willow's dance-partner George Sanders. I've always loved his film 'The Ghost and Mrs Muir'; he told me that it was one of his favourites too.

I managed to take to the floor with some famous faces (sadly not with Willow herself, she was too much in demand), but we had to leave quite early as Lesley had a photo-call for the following morning (back in London). Lady M's rather voluptuous, and eccentric, Viv Westwood dress was a huge success, and we shall be auctioning it for charity in the new year.

My huge thanks, once again, to Willow and all her helpers who made the evening so special. I can't wait for next year's ball; if I'm invited... Those Scotch Eggs were delicious.


  1. Your dancing wasn't that bad, surely. The night you had sounds wonderful! I don't believe I saw you anywhere about, unless that was you who fell down the stairs?
    Lady M's dress was lovely.

  2. And I thought no-one noticed. Sore knees this morning!

  3. I didn't see enough of you at the ball, my friend. I must make it a point to write your name at the top of my dance card next year! What a fabulous candid shot! It was a splendid night, indeed.

  4. So glad you all had a fantastic time. Love the picture and the gorgeous dresses!! Sorry I wasn't able to be there last night!

  5. It was always my fate to arrive fashionably late. However, actually I was very early and then sat waiting, for the party, and realized I forgot Leonard at home! well I did so appreciate the after-party party even more than the party! Leonard was going to take Glinda, and we had a bit of a tiff, his spats weren't fitting, and so he went sans date. Secretly I think he was a bit jealous of Zorro, can you imagine? We hooked up later, so all's well that ends so well! Cro I really loved the After The Ball song...I do think these things should not crescendo so violently like Dvorzak, but yes, quietly like Puccini. "And the band played on" (and on and on!)

  6. That photograph is so perfect! I really enjoyed it.
