Monday 4 October 2010

Where Should One Live?

Every autumn it's the same; along with the cooler weather comes unshiftable depression, and I dream of warmer climes.

So the problem is, where would be the best place to live? I don't like extreme cold and I don't like extreme heat; I want my daytime temperatures to be about 25C. I also want noticable seasons, rain at night only, no nasty biting bugs, no snakes, and good quality soil.

The place must be very beautiful, with views over either a lake, the sea, or a river. There must be zero crime, no wierdo traditions, beautiful women, and good shops (and vineyards) within reach.

A very well travelled New Zealander friend (now deceased) once recommended the area around Perth in Western Australia, but I'm sure there's somewhere nearer to home.

Many fellow bloggers whose posts I follow have been almost welcoming autumn, cooler weather, log fires, etc. I do appreciate that it's far easier to make oneself warm in cold weather, than cool in warm weather, and I do love wood fires and ovens, but my depression seems to be deeper engraved into my psyche than simply by temperature. I've always looked upon leafless landscape as Stagnancy Season, and it's probably the 'Waiting for Spring' that has the ill effect on my usually jovial character.

If you know where my Utopia lies, I'd love to hear about it. I'm in the market for a small winter bolt-hole.


  1. There are no holidays without work, Cro, and the perfect summer doesn't exist without some else to compare it with. Greener grass? Sounds as though you have a nice life where you are!

  2. January, February, and March are the 3 months I'd like to be away. Other than that, as you say, life here's pretty good!

  3. Years ago someone wrote to the Guardian Weekly and asked much the same question. Where, the writer asked, was there a place with a mild climate,beautiful scenery, no crime, free health care, and a western-style democracy all in one place.

    The best answer: Cloud Cuckoo Land.

  4. Cloud Cuckoo Land? Where's the nearest airport?

  5. There's a small seaside town in NSW Australia which is pretty near perfect in January, February and March (and there's a great vineyard nearby). The land dwelling sharks can be a bit of a problem though.

  6. I'm celebrating the arrival of the delicious melancholy months.

  7. I think it was you, Willow, who prompted this post; plus Lady M saying that I looked miserable!

  8. Far from Stagnacy Season, Cro..autumn and .winter are about everything turning inward to nourish for another Spring and Summer of growth and abundance.
    There is a silence about this time of year that covers the industry that goes on internally. A great time of the year for reflection and re-grouping.
    And as for the perfect place? if it isn't where you are right now, I can almost guarantee you won't find it.

  9. I know what Tom is saying about stars shining brightest in a black sky or words to that effect - true - but I'm so sorry you're feeling a bit low at the moment. I think it's something going around. Probably the onset of the Winter months ahead don't help

  10. I went to Cloud Cukoo Land just last year. It was spectacular.

  11. Oh, for goodness sake, Molly! Stop being so understanding. He's as happy as a pig in sh** really. I live in Cloud Cuckoo land 365 days a year - it's called Bath.

  12. hate to be practical but take some extra vit. D I had the best winter ever last year! Seriously!

  13. Vit D? Maybe I'll just eat lots more oily fish. Other than pills, I think it's the best source. Thanks Linda.

  14. Oh my dear, I would die without interesting colorful people and weirdos. I am with you on the weather, cannot stand extreme heat and humidity. I do love the cold. But it is about you, so how about Morocco?

  15. Yoli, I love Marrakech. So maybe a little Rhiad just off the Jemaa el Fna would fit the bill. It certainly would as far as food is concerned!
