Tuesday 19 October 2010

Havoc at Haddock's.

I'm having a crisis at Haddock's. The wretched deer are slowly munching their way through my winter greens, and I'm having to cover their favourites with ramshakle wire netting. Otherwise they simply jump over fencing, and eat at their leisure. I'm going to have to do something more secure for 2011.

This is what I keep finding each morning. Swiss Chard and Perpetual Spinach plants eaten down to ground level. Remember that foul tasting stuff they used to put on childrens nails? Well I need something similar for my plants. My friend José suggested a liberal sprinkling of mothballs, but I think they've eaten those as well. They probably thought they were mints.

Luckily there are certain things they don't seem to care for, these include Cabbage, Kale, and Sprouts (a bit like a lot of humans I know). The late planted autumn cabbages (above) are amazing. I don't think I've ever grown such beauties. The carrots, to their right, have all had their tops nibbled off, but the carrots beneath, thankfully, are OK.

Bloody deer!

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  1. "Hey Bambi, have you ever dined at Haddocks? They have a wonderful menu there, the spinach is divine. No need to book. You should try it. (Don't bother with the after dinner mints though.)"

  2. And I thought you were an insomniac, Cro - you should be out there to greet them. Alternative solution: Train them to eat Quince.

  3. My neighbour once put a radio in a cherry tree to deter the Starlings. They simply ate to music.

  4. Aren't you supposed to sprinkle some sort of urine around the property to keep them out? I think you can buy it at most hardware or garden stores. Or, you yourself can, ahem, well, you get the idea. I hear it works!

  5. venison recipes coming soon, I fear.

  6. If only, Jacqueline! They fatten themselves on MY veggies, then the hunters don't even give me a leg. Disgrace.

  7. Thanks Amy. I'll, ahem, give it a discreet go. Ahem.

  8. Not had that problem, Cro! Your garden doesn't half look impressive! I can see why the deer are leaping over!

  9. If lion shit doesn't work (which it doesn't), then I wish you luck with a bit of wee wee.

  10. Those pesky deer love eating at Haddock's Buffet.
