Friday 15 October 2010

Foodie-Cro's Pickled Chillis.

I don't know why, but this year French supermarkets seem to have run out of jars of pickled chillis. Did last year's world-chilli-crop fail? As an addict I find this unacceptable, so I'm having to produce my own.

I buy these biggish, reasonably hot, green chillis from my supermarket at about €2 per kilo. The preparation is child's-play. I do about one kilo at each go.

Cut off the stems, slice halfway down one side, and carefully remove most of the interior seeds with a small spoon. Then when washed and dried, sprinkle with salt (about a serving-spoon full), and cover with a clean cloth. I stir them around about twice each day as they release water. After 4 days wash them thoroughly to remove the salt, pack into a suitably sized jars, and cover with vinager. I also add about 2 tablespoons of sugar. After about 1 or 2 weeks they are ready to eat; but don't keep them too long.

As with all preserves it's wise to keep an exact record of your quantities, then for your second batch you'll know what to add more, or less, of. The same goes for 'Grandma's and Eggs'.

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  1. I have never tried a pickled chilli. Perhaps I'll have to give it a go...

  2. You make it sound so easy! Basically you're making what I know to be refrigerator pickles, meaning there is no boiling/cooking involved. Normally this method leaves a less intense flavor, but since you are extracting all juice with the salt and then adding vinegar, it should work quite well. I think I'll try it.

  3. Cro - link your food pic to on that Linky thing I got wrong that time :( The Friday Photo Challenge this week is for the word 'food' Yours is a real good 'un - pleeeeeeeez! pretty pleeeeeez!

  4. I am so happy you left a comment and now I can follow what you're doing. Fabulous. I think we love the same things.

    Until next time...cheers!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  5. Gosh Molly, that's way above my techno-ability, and also my photo-talent. I think I must leave that to others more capable, but thanks for the kind thought.
