Thursday 7 October 2010

Controle Technique.

Every two years I recieve a letter such as the above; this one arrived yesterday. It explains that they wish to kick the tyres of my Compact Royce.

So, I give her a good wash, Hoover the inside, and remove all the old sweet wrappers from under Lady M's seat. I deliver the car, and explain to the mechanic that she's in the rudest of health. Then he kicks the tyres before trying to shake her to bits. If she survives the proscribed shaking time, he kicks the tyres again and gives me a little piece of paper that I have to stick in her front window. That's it for another two years.

Just in case anyone isn't aware, we have NO ROAD TAX in France. So in the front window of all French cars you'll find just two small square bits of paper. Proof of tyre kicking, and proof that she's fully insured. That's it!

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  1. Oh my goodness,every 12 months we have to go to the garage,have reems of paperwork done,everything checked front to back(unless under 3 years of age) get a green slip anything from $150 to $250,go to motor registry pay over approx $400 and then off to do your insurance.Many households have 2 cars as we have such distance to travel in the bush and public transport not an option,it is different in the city.So I think amongst all the wonderful things you tell us about France you have just added another attraction,I must say though that our cars are all in great condition.Carole

  2. So is mine Carole; especially the tyres!

  3. Every two years we have to go have a "worker" rev up our engine and tell us we're good for another two stickers in the window though, they go on the license plate.

    If it weren't so late, I'd be traveling around your blog for a bit, I'm very intrigued by all the veggies I was seeing, have to wait until tomorrow though.

    I'll see if I can get my mother's fig jam recipe...

  4. That would be another £200 saved if I moved to France. Ok Cro, you've finally convinced me. When will that tower of yours be ready for me to move in?

  5. Lady M and I start on the roof this afternoon!!

    By the way Tom. My roasted Quince slices were superb. They become very caramalised (dark), and lemony in taste. Next time you roast a deer, pop a few quarters under the beast.

  6. And the wine?
    Always a joy.
    Good post.Bravo

  7. Ugh. You've reminded me that car tags are due in just a few weeks.

  8. Am I right in thinking that you have a whole new number plate each year in the US?

  9. The only thing we have to do in Ontario is after a car reaches a certain age/mileage, emissions must be tested before one can have the privilege of paying road tax for the year. I guess if we have bad tires here (sorry about the Canadian spelling Cro) we are on our own.

  10. Royce? I want to see it!! I'm so envious. I drive an old dark green '96 Land Rover with lots of old french fries under the seats.

  11. New plates are issued every few years.

    The word verification for this is: crocap

  12. I enjoyed reading that Cro. Not only do we have to fork out for car tax but if you've got a vehicle off the road you have to fill in a SORN declaration as well or get fined £100

  13. Crocrap! Was it really Amy? How wonderful.
