Wednesday 8 September 2010

Wonderful Neighbours.

To most peoples eyes, this scene probably doesn't look particulary out of the ordinary. A few people standing about, a tractor lifting a beam, an everyday story of southern French folk.

This morning my friend Danny and I went to pick up my beams from the nearby sawmill. When I saw them in the flesh (rather than on paper or in my mind's eye), I was rather taken aback. They were HUGE.

I'd ordered the main cross beam 20 by 20 cms in section, 4 metres long, and in SOLID OAK. I couldn't even lift one end off the gound! The joists, that rest on the top and come out either side, were 10 by 10 cms in section and 2 metres long; also in solid oak (I can just about lift one of these).

Luckily my neighbour Claude (driving the tractor) was passing by and I enlisted his assistance. Then my other neighbour José (Laurence's dad) turned up, and, together, the four of us managed to get the beast into place; inch by inch. It wasn't easy!

I am so lucky to have such wonderful neighbours. We've kinda grown up together, and nothing is ever too much for them. Love thy neighbour? YES I DO.
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  1. But they are gorgeous beams!! You're lucky to have such wonderful friends.

  2. When they're all in place, I'll post a picture!

  3. That's great! Another exciting development in Cro Tower. I love that your neighbors all came to help out. That beam dos look rather huge, I'll bet you were sweating it out for a moment there!

  4. Somehow Cro, I suspect you have gained good neighbours by being one.

  5. That's a lovely thought Jacqueline. But I'm sure that kindness is heavily weighted on THEIR side.

  6. "If thy neighbor removeth a moat in thine eye, shalt thou not removeth a beam for him?" (or words to that effect)

  7. Cro - glad everything went well! Yes good neighbours are great to have! Last summer my other half bought a 400 gallon water tank from a farm sale (about twice the size of his van!!) S from the farm up the road from us was there and offered straight a way to load it up on his 4x4 and trailer and bring it home. He arrived with his son before MOH got home - they not only unloaded it but put it exactly where we wanted it to go and wouldn't hear of taking any payment. I think good neighbours are well .... good!!

  8. We all have to feel so sorry for those who have unhelpful neighbours.
