Saturday 18 September 2010

Oscar The Wonder Dog.

Yes, it's him again. Oscar has been staying chez Cro for the past week, and will remain until the 25th.

Oscar is the world's finest dog! He looks nice, he has boundless energy, he shows absolute loyalty, he behaves himself (mostly), he eats his food, he sleeps well, he comes when called, and he's always ready for fun. Amazing!

I really don't know what more one could ask from a scruffy mut.

I suppose he does smell a bit, he has a bark to wake the dead (only when he gets excited), and he's always pestering for more walks. But other than that he's a future 'Best of Show' at Crufts; if only I could be bothered to enter him!
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  1. He looks like a 'proper' dog. Is he looking after you while Lady M is away?

  2. He's taking me for walkies 3 times a day!

  3. A lovely beast, obviously. (The dog, Cro, the dog....)

  4. Oscar looks as if he's found his little bit of heaven at Chez Cro's too!

  5. When you are done with him Cro...can I have him please?

  6. Okay, it's official: Oscar is way too cute to be real. I think he's a stuffed toy that you pull out and take pictures of every once in a while.

    Just kidding! He's adorable and looks very happy. That's really nice of you to take care of him. I get the sense that Oscar and you were meant to be together. Love the rug he's laying on, by the way!

  7. I'm afraid he has to go back to his owners! I keep trying to find a way to keep him myself!

  8. Well, I understand! I'd want to keep him too : )

  9. Amy, the rug is Kurdish, made in two identical strips then sown together down the middle. I believe that, as they were nomadic people, their looms had to be small enough to pack on the backs of camels.
