Wednesday 1 September 2010

Buildings to die for.....

Ooooooh. Gimme, gimme, gimme!

I've mentioned our local Pigeon Towers before, but the more I see of them, the more I DROOL!

Just imagine owning one (or both) of these! You get up in the morning, throw back the curtains, and look out onto something as stunning (amongst your two thousand acres). Could anything be more perfect?

OK, my own little effort will be pleasant enough, but these are simply amazing. How I envy the owners of these magnificent piles.

Of the two, the top one is my favourite. I'm hoping my roof will be a little like that. Simple, rustic, and perfectly at home in its environment. The lower one is a bit more petit-bourgeois; it definitely says 'look how rich I am'. Even so; well done that man!

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  1. definatly like the top roof best! For a quick moment there I thought you'd finished your tower!

  2. If only, Linda. And how wonderful if it could look like that!

  3. Well I think your will look great Cro now I know what you are doing i had ni idea lol..biggest is not always best, number 1 gets my vote also. Carole

  4. If you were in possession of that first one then you could said to be suffering from Turret Syndrome.

  5. If you'd heard my occasional language whilst building... you'd probably be right!

  6. I need one. There is an abandoned bomb shelter on our property, that's positioned in the side of a terrace. The concrete top is even with the lawn, and is surrounded on three sides by a rock ledge. I've always thought it needed walls and a wonderful roof. Your pics today are just like the ones in my mind's eye.

  7. If you've got solid foundations (as in bomb shelter) then the sky's the limit. Isn't the top one fantastic? Have we improved architecturally since those days? Methinks not.

  8. I always thought windmills were the coolest. It would be so much fun to go up those spiral stairs and just hang out looking over the landscape.

  9. Windmills belong to a different world; a bit like lighthouses. All have their place, but for me the 'pigeonnier' is king. I can see you, Amy, hair hanging down Repunzel-style, with white doves cooing into your ear. Very Saia-esque.
