Tuesday 3 August 2010


Reading under the shade of a cool terrace. Children wandering around; usually naked. The scent of herbs and flowers. Grapes hanging from the vines. Haddock's brimming over with its finest. Afternoon siestas to escape the overbearing heat. BBQs in the quiet of the evening. Fruit dropping from over-laden trees. The call of the pool's refreshing water. And, of course, MOSQUITOES.

Summer is in full swing.

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  1. Hi Cro, so glad it is only the littlies running around naked otherwise the poor skeeters could be in trouble, sounds really delightful and there is nothing more cute than an under 5 bare bottom,as we sit freezing and dreading the summer as it will be a shocker this year as it is atually a mild winter and wet and that means big trouble for us,so under the shade of an old gum tree it shall be for many a day..

  2. A lovely photo and sounds idyllic! It's been a really bad year for mosquitos (or a good year if you're a mozzie?).

  3. Your summer sounds just about perfect Cro.
    The first two or three bites of the season usually give me enormous red welts that itch for days. I always like to get them out of the way as I find they help me build some kind of immunity for a while.

  4. Jacqueline. Is this a recommendation?

  5. The title of your post should be "Summer in Paradise." Love the photo.

  6. Looks and sounds like a perfect summer :)

  7. This is the best summery photo I've seen all summer.

  8. Sometimes Cro, it's all about the attitude you have.
    If they are going to bite you anyway (have you even had a summer when you haven't been biten?), might as well think about it as a positive.

  9. I think the photo sums up everything you want summer to be bar the mosquitoes. Is that your daughter-in-law reading a book in the background?

  10. Invite me over Cro, it's all too delicious!

    p.s. it's ok I live far too far away to ever accept!

  11. It looks idyllic. What is the plant on the left-hand side against the wall? Is it a hanging basket or a climber perhaps.

  12. Molly. Yes that's the lovely Eva; always reading.

    SH. No idea what it's called. It's a shrub and has small red flowers almost all year long. I'll try to find out and let you know.

  13. Cro, I think it's called "Pink Pixie." ;)
