Saturday 14 August 2010


Haddock's is really starting to over-produce. We've already been dumping things on the compost, simply because they were too big or had a sight blemish. It's amazing how blasé one becomes about one's own vegetables after having waited so long for them to arrive.

This is the second lot of Ratatouille that I've made. I might, from now on, just make courgettes in tomato sauce, and aubergines in tomato sauce. They tend to be more useful.

The store cupboard is starting to fill anew, just as last years stock runs out. That's as it should be!

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  1. looks like a productive day cro,was the same here,made Strawberry jam,Orange marmalade and bread and butter cucumbers,so pantry looking nice and full all lined up ready for the kids to come and raid it.

  2. What on earth is 'bread and butter cucumbers'?

  3. O'h Cro you don't know what you are missing with cheese ,them a lovely cracker and a nice wine..I will post the recipe for you tomorrow on here they are simple yet a nice summer addition to salads also,a great addition to the pantry .

  4. Bread and butter cucumbers sounds dee-lish! I can also recommend Hob nob and marmite aubergines - have you ever tried that Cro?.

  5. You must really like Rat - personally, I don't because predominately tomato-based sauces tend to make me gag. Perhaps the addition of sugar would help?

  6. Ranter... Do you live in Scotland by any chance? The home of the deep fried library book!

  7. Scotland Cro? Hoo did ye noo?

    Here's a nice little poem from up my way..

    Some hae meat and canna eat,
    And some wad eat that want it,
    But we hae meat and we can eat,
    And sae the Lord be thankit. (Burns)

  8. I do like a wee taste of Burns. I think I've managed to work it out too. My oldest son lives in Edinburgh; if that is of interest!

  9. Auld reekie, eh? Magnon the younger must have good taste... Edinburgh is a fine city... What a coincidence, we might be neighbours! Does he live anywhere near Stockbridge?

  10. Spot on! But, without his permission, I'll say no more!

  11. Our local hospital is really keen on Rabbie too - it has a serious Burns unit. (sorry)

  12. Know what you mean Cro - the trouble is - is when you go to the trouble of making all these sauces, rat and pickles and they sit in the cupboard until they grow fur. Perhaps it's just my cooking skills (or lack of them!) Burns night!!

  13. I wish I could pop by for a jar or two Cro...I love ratatouille, served warm over pasta with lashings of parmesan.....mmmmmmm.

  14. Not a fan of cooked tomatoes 'n stuff either, and thank goodness you don't make bread and butter pickles, oh wait, do you? Hope not!

  15. Ho cro..hee is the recipe as promised..I hope maybe Amy will change her mind lol maybe !

    Bread and Butter Cucumbers.

    3 1/2 lbs cucumbers( sliced 1/4" or under and rinced under cold water).
    1 cup water
    2 1/2 cups sugar
    2 cups apple cider vinegar(white wine vinegar works just as well).
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon celery seed
    1 tablespoon mustard seed
    1 1/2 tablespoons pickling seasoning.
    Combine water,sugar, vinegar and spices bring to the boil,stirring until the sugar is dissolved.
    Add cucumbers to the boiling mixture.
    Bring back to the boil making sure all the cucmbers are submerged(guess this is because they change colour and that makes then uniform).
    Boil for 1 to 2 mins.
    Remove from heat.
    Fill the jars and seal.
    Place in a hot water bath for 10 mins( this is just hot water in the sink)

    I have no idea where their name came from I always presumed it was English and one had them on Bread and Butter...who knows but they are lovely with a sharp chesse or with salads etc.
    They are a great give away from the pantry as the jars look so good with those seeds etc in them and as cucumbers grow in abundance it is good to have something to make from them,the ones I made yesterday were with lebanese cucumbers.
    Anyway love them or hate them thats how to make them.
    Have a great day.

  16. Boy, oh boy, would I like to be a neighbor of yours!

  17. Carole, thanks so much for that. I'll certainly do some as I'm a pickle fanatic. I think it was the name 'bread and butter' that confused me, it's really a different type of pickled sliced cucumber. And as we already have a glut...

  18. Love love love the Japanese egg plant! It's like candy to me fried in a little bit of butter with salt and pepper. Yummy!
