Sunday 18 July 2010

The (very short) Sunday Story: Spooky, or what!

About a week ago, as I was driving home, I stopped to have a chat with a farmer friend. Then, as I walked back to the compact Royce, I suddenly recalled the name of a variety of dwarf haricot bean that I want to try in 2011. As I sat back in the driver's seat, and attached my belt, I asked Lady Magnon if she would remember the name 'TALISMAN' for me (I have a hopeless memory for such things). Instantly she turned a small pad towards me, on which she had already just written the word TALISMAN.

To say that I was shocked would be a serious understatement, especially as I don't really believe in such things as ESP. Lady Magnon, however, DOES.


  1. Hi Cro after a little while being away reason being lack of computer,now with a new one that works like a dream(touch wood) I am back on track.MY little comment is CRO!! how could you not believe in such things womens whole lives consit of it,how do you think we make you fellows happy! not magic! just a knowing otherwise known as ESP. Carole

  2. Carole, welcome back. I'd always wondered how women functioned. Now I know it's all down to ESP (exceedingly-superstitious-people)?

  3. Did you swap a cow for the bean at market, Cro?

  4. (I'm thinking of your Christmas post about dwarf giants...)

  5. Do you guys have the lotto in France?

  6. Sounds like it! That's really cool, by the way. I love stories like that.

  7. Not ESP at all Cro. Lady M knows you so well she wrote it down'cos she knew you'd forget. We rarely use our mobile phones here. I've got a built in instinct of where Mr Golver is and what he's up to! That is SCAREY!

  8. Oh my God, this is worse than I'd thought!
