Wednesday 21 July 2010


This beautiful cow is a Montbeliard; a race that is slowly replacing the bog-standard, ugly, black and white, Holstein. However, my farming neighbour, Laurence, tells me that they have ONE major fault. When having their ear tags (or 'boucle d'oreilles', as she put it) installed, they make the most terrible fuss. They jump in the air, bellow like elephants, and make life extremely difficult for whoever is doing the job. Extra difficult for Laurence, as she is somewhat 'petite'.

No doubt in time, some clever effing boffin in a well hidden GM lab' will manage to eliminate this troublesome genetic fault, and she will become the perfectly placid cow.

I do wish they wouldn't cut their horns off; unless, of course, it's essential.

p.s. The farm in the background (damn that washing) was our FIRST house out here, which I bought in 1972 and sold in 1980. I really miss that barn, it was huge and cathedral-like! The photo above was taken just outside our present house.

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  1. I suppose I would create a fuss if someone tried to put a staple through my ear too, Cro. I never realised until recently (when looking at a cow-skin on the floor) that the markings are pretty much mirrored on the other side of the body. Go round the other side and see!

  2. I have a soft spot in my heart for cows. They're gentle, have sweet eyes and cute ears and the way they chew makes me smile. Plus, beyond a kick or two every once in a while, they are peaceful creatures who only want to eat a little grass. I totally dig cows.

  3. Me too Amy. I never understand why people are afraid of them!

  4. I did the same thing when I had my ears pierced.

  5. OK, I can see that everyone has sympathy for the cow's, and their 'earings'. I shall tell Laurence to be more understanding.

  6. I can understand why people are afraid of cows - I am. They weigh 3/4ths of a ton, kick sideways and are quite willing to trample you to death to defend their young. Many people get killed by cows every years - more than bulls per capita.

  7. Montbeliard - now I know what they look like! The buildings in the background look as if they've seen centuries of farming - wonderful! Most of the ones around here are all galvanize and asbestos.

  8. Not quite the same is it Molly.

    Tom, the one time you never go near a cow is when she has a calf with her. Otherwise they are usually very calm.
