Sunday 20 June 2010

The Sunday Story: The Old School Photo.

I can't remember what this photo commemorates, I expect it was sport related; probably cricket (someone in the middle row is holding a 'score book'). For some reason I failed to write anything on the back.

One always loses contact with old school friends; they tend to live in distant lands. But I do know a little about what happened to some of those above.

One became a trans-atlantic airline pilot, one is the manufacturer of a well known brand of exclusive leather gloves, one is a big-wig at the BBC and presents arts-related programmes on BBC1 and BBC2 (some of you may recognise him!), one designed famous record covers for Pink Floyd-Led Zeppelin-Wings-and others, one organised private 'safari-style' tours to difficult untrodden locations; and (shame be upon him) one became a painter.

And now for the story: About 30 years ago I had visited a friend who lived a couple of Kms from us, and just before taking my leave he asked if I would help him move a big lumpy piece of furniture for one of his neighbours; a fellow Englishman.

The Englishman had just added a spectacular conservatory extension to his sitting room, and as a result, a beautiful, but very heavy, antique 'armoire' needed to be shifted a few metres.

When the job was done we accepted the traditional offer of a glass of rough red and half a dozen stale crisps, and we chatted about nothing in particular. It was only then that I noticed one of those typical long school photos hanging on his wall. It featured a very familiar looking classic medieval crest, illustrating King Edward the Confessor. I looked more closely at the photo and asked my host why it was there. He screwed up his eyes, then pointed to a small figure amongst the crowd of anonymous schoolboys and said 'that's my son'. I then pointed to another small figure and said 'and that's me'.

I knew his son quite well; I think we'd played in the same school Rugby team, and had later both worked on the London Stock Exchange (he stayed; I didn't). He had been regularly visiting his father in France (at least three times a year), and although I lived just down the road, our paths had somehow never crossed.

Over the last two 'Sunday Stories' I've talked about another ex-school-friend, who, I'm pleased to say, does NOT feature in the above photo (un-fit, lazy, and inept). Although I would quite liked to have added..... 'one became a swindling, cheating, bastard'.

I should perhaps explain that King Edward the Confessor was a fellow old-boy of my school. That might give you some idea of its age, and therefore the age of its wonderful buildings.
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  1. I recognise you Cro, but can't spot the TV presenter. I'm guessing it's the one third from top right, who has got himself framed picturesquely in the window?

  2. Right, so now I'm guessing his initials are V.J.?

  3. WRONG. His initials are A.Y. And, I think he looks exactly the same today!

  4. Wasn't that an amazing co-incidence. I tried to guess which one you were - when I read Tom's comment, I was way out. Just shows how wrong you can be! We had one of those old panoramic black and white school photos taken I've still got it but that's classified! Would you have moved down to Sussex when that was taken?

  5. Oh him. He's a bit hairier these days, I think. Tell me how you got your other blogs on the sidebar please, Cro. I can't work out how to do it.

  6. Molly, Tom knows which one I am because we were at college together, and I'm pleased to see he's NOT revealing my position. I'm still rather surprised that no-one's named the BBC guy. Any ideas anyone?

    My people always lived in Sussex (and Surrey). They just didn't like having me around!

  7. Tom. From Dashboard go to 'design', click on 'Add a Gadget', click on 'My Blog List', tick all boxes and decide on which blogs you wish to feature, and hey presto. Hope it works.

  8. Front row, second from left?

  9. No. Sorry! No more guessing about ME please.

  10. I guess front row, third from the right.

  11. What a neat story! It's fascinating the way you came across it in that person's home, but also that so many high profile people are there in there with you. I tried to pick you out, based on the self-portrait you showed while back, but can't. It's going to drive me nuts.

  12. Thank you Willow; wrong again. This was not supposed to be a 'Find Cro' competition.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
