Thursday 24 June 2010

Sick Bed.

Cro is feeling slightly unwell, but Nurse Magnon is seeing to his every need. Here she is, trying to force a small mouse up his right nostril; a popular old Swedish remedy which, apparently, cures everything.


  1. Poor Cro, you will have to put freddie to work to get that mouse out!!! get well soon Carole

  2. The patient looks beyond help in that illustration. Get well soon.

    (verification word for this? 'PATIO'...

  3. I hope you feel better soon! Mice, blech.

  4. Gosh, you must have a big nose, Cro! Feel better soon, my friend! xx

  5. Oh dear! Cro hope you and small mouse are recovering as well as can be expected. Good job Lady M's on hand to mop your fevered brow.
    Get well soon.

  6. Not feeling too well? Hope you're feeling better soon. Now that would be an unfair job for a mouse.
