Wednesday 2 June 2010

Gloria In Excelsis Cepeo

A bout of rather miserable weather has brought up not only the single Parasol mushroom that I found a few days back, but also a few Cepes and Girolles.

Guess what we'll be having for lunch today!

p.s. The green plate above is by Edwin Beer Fishley. If you are interested in such things, go to, click on 'potters', then under 'F' click on 'E B Fishley'. When he comes up, on the left hand side click on 'E B Fishley plate'. And Viola! there's my plate! Try it!

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  1. Amazing - that's about 3 months earlier than us! Is there a difference between girolles and chanterelles?

  2. You're up early Tom. Been out mushrooming?

    Roger Phillips calls a Girolle, a Chanterelle. I think it depends on where you live. In Sweden a Chanterelle is thinner, taller, and slighly browner,(they also have Girolles). I have also seen chefs in the UK refer to these thinner versions as Chanterelles. The one's I pick are definitely GIROLLES. But I suppose that's a French word anyway, and if I look it up in my big dictionary, it translates as Chanterelle.

  3. Just got back from another brief sortie. One more nice young Cepe. I think their appearance will be short lived.

  4. I'm even more confused! I have the Roger Phillips book, so I shouldn't be. I'll have to apologise to the manager of Waitrose. I went back to bed, Cro, but I'm up again now.

  5. I am mushroom ignorant. There are many that grow around the manor, but I don't know which are safe to eat. I need to take Mushroom 101.

    (I have a 3 inch vintage green bowl that matches your plate exactly!)

  6. Does it say anything on the bottom?

    re Mushrooms. It's best to get to know just a few edible ones really well, and ignore the rest. Most are edible, but....
