Friday 11 June 2010


Oh my beautiful lawn. What have I done! What have THEY done!

After all the perfect weather we've been having, my builder has finally turned up in the rain, complete with mini-mess-maker & chain-smoking driver. They've been digging out the foundations for the 'tower', and making a terrible quagmire in the process (above was only half way through, before it started really pouring).

I know it has to get worse before it can get better, but for the moment all I can see is back-breaking work ahead; and it's pouring out there..... Really POURING..... MUD, MUD, MUD.

I've also just noticed that a huge lorry is unloading blocks and bags of ciment at the end of the drive.

I just want to sleep for a week, and wake up when they've all gone; hopefully leaving everything in a perfect state. Some hope.

This, of course, is only STAGE ONE. I'm getting my builder to do the initial heavy stuff that my dodgy back forbids. Then when the walls are up I'll continue skywards at leisure with the lighter, more decorative work. No doubt I'll bore you stupid with my progress later!

Actually, I have to admit, my builder (Baptiste) is a wonderful guy in whom I have total confidence. I just like to moan.

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  1. That looks like an exciting project. Looking forward to seeing more photos of work in progress. What are you going to use the tower for?

  2. Hi Sue. It's going to be a summer bedroom with big glazed doors looking out over the beautiful view. Very simple, very basic. Hopefully it won't become a junk room!

  3. The mess of building is an annoyance, yet the finished project all cleaned up is generally worth it. I have a painter here at the moment and tressels and ladders plus canvas strewn around. Can't wait to clear it all away.
    Your sounds wonderful.

  4. Let's keep our collective fingers crossed, Mary.

  5. Gadzooks - that's a nice word! Haven't heard it for ages. Glad to see the work on the Tower has started.

  6. Can't wait to see the progress.

  7. Messy, but exciting project. Looking forward to the after pics, as well! Fun!!

  8. I hope your wife isn't named Rapunzel.

  9. Did you mean Lady 'Rapunzel' Magnon?

  10. Oh my,I'm sure it will be worth all the mud, mess and chaos, sending you lots of calming vibes from someone who constantly lives like this.

  11. Thanks Sue. Your calming vibes gratefully received.
