Wednesday 9 June 2010

Cherry picking.

My good friend and neighbour, José, phoned me yesterday morning to say that there were plenty of cherries, and we were free to help ourselves (he does this each year).

He has 3 main cherry trees which come into ripeness one after the other. Yesterday it was the turn of his middle tree, so with walking stick (to pull down the branches) and small basket in hand, off we went.

We always do the same thing with cherries. We dream of making clafoutis, of making jam, or steeping them in eau-de-vie even. But it never happens; we return home munching on cherries, and spitting out the pips as we go. Usually, by the time we get home, there remains just a few bird-bitten or manky stragglers, which get put into a bowl, and consumed over the following hour or so.

In a couple of days time we'll return to José's tree, and do the same thing again; possibly promising to make sorbet or some other delight, and perfectly aware that the cherries will never make it as far as the house. Spitting cherry pips must count amongst my favourite early June pastimes.


  1. p.s. José's foot is much better. He's back in the seat of his tractor, he drives his car, and walks without crutches. For those who may not have followed the adventures of my good friend; he very nearly sawed his own foot off with a chainsaw!

  2. I have heard that eating fresh cherries every day halts the onset of arthritis - that's supposed to have been confirmed by researching an old American wives tale. Again, your edible stuff is so much earlier down there than up here.

  3. Only one thing a person can say really Yumm!!!!!


  4. Tom, I think it has something to do with the colour RED. I don't suffer yet; plenty of other stuff, but not arthritis!

  5. Those look great. We can only buy them at the store here (for that quality and size) and they're quite expensive. I remember when I was pregnant and had been sick all day and night for four months, the only thing I could think of how nice it would be to eat some cherries in the summer. And I did!

  6. If I could, I'd send you a box full. But I think they might 'rot' in the post.

  7. Oh just look at those! The cherries on our tree are green and hard and then as soon as they ripen, the birds eat them. We've had a lot of strawberries though - about a kilo a day.

  8. I made a bottle of cherry brandy last year (from cherries and eau-de-vie donated by our kind neighbour) which has been maturing for the last 12 months. I am now trying to resist the temptation of opening it. My daughter will never forgive me if I drink it before she arrives next month! Actually, I confess, I have sampled it and it is delicious!
