Wednesday 5 May 2010

The way to a man's heart...

I first met Lady Magnon when I was an art student, living off beer and take-away chicken & chips. We students were not known for refined living, and usually the only decent meal I ate was when I visited my parents for the weekend.

I'd been 'making eyes' at Lady M for a while, when she asked my if I'd like to join her for dinner; I accepted at once.

She'd made Elizabeth David's recipe for 'Estofat de Beouf', which she served with Tagliatelle. It was delicious.

Then she served a perfect Tarte Tatin; I was extremely impressed.

Lady Magnon still occasionally makes a Tarte Tatin, but I haven't seen ED's beef stew for a while. It's true what they say about men, hearts, and stomachs. I recommend to any young woman (or man) to have a couple of really good guns in their holsters; ready to be drawn at any moment.

Why not the two above? I may not have been the best target on the range, but.....

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  1. Yum. I stayed in a little French hotel once, run by a Gallic Basil Faulty, which (unusually) served crappy food, EXCEPT for his 'Tarte au Prune', which was spectacularly good, so we stayed again in the opposite direction. Where IS Lady M?

  2. She's here. Still making a nuisance of herself. Nagging, demanding that I do odd-jobs, criticizing everything I do. Nothing's changed. I wish she'd make me an 'Estofat de Beouf'!

  3. Let's hope she doesn't read this then, or you might have eaten your last Estofat de Beouf!

  4. That's just 'sweet-talking'. She knows I love her dearly...

  5. Someone who cooks like that is worth their weight in gold! (...she said, modestly.)

  6. WT actually married me without knowing whether I could cook or not. He was very pleasantly surprised.

  7. Being as Lady M can cook like that, she's definitely one lady worth hanging on to. BTW Cro - we women don't nag, we merely point things out :>P Have a good day, Molly

  8. Thank-you Molly for pointing that out to Cro!Oh, yes I'd say food is still the way to a man's heart!

  9. Thank you ladies. She doesn't REALLY do all those nasty things. I was just pulling her leg!

  10. No fair! No fair! You post the most tempting food and NO recipes!!!!!! Would love to have them if you can share (some people don't like to give out their secrets-that's okay). Pretty please, Cro, with cream and sugar on top?

  11. Julie. I wouldn't have a clue! Even though I am the 'cook' in the house. These were very much Lady Magnon's recipes.

  12. Dare I ask why you say "were" her recipes?
