Tuesday 18 May 2010

Rico sings L-O-V-E.

Here's the wonderful Rico Rodriguez again, singing at Jools' 2009 New year's Hootenanny TV show. He never quite hits the right notes whether singing or playing, but who cares; the man's a legend. And he is about 76.


  1. I saw him playing at the equivalent of a village fete once!

  2. Doesn't surprise me. I think he'd play anywhere. Great guy!

  3. See how you guys cherish your older musicians? I think that's great. America is so fickle, it makes me crazy.

    I miss Jools Holland! I used to love that show when it was on BBC America.

  4. I've been to see his band loads of times, Amy. Always fantastic. His picks really talented musicians; and keeps them.

  5. I think Jools Holland is an irritating sort of fellow, despite his taste in musicians. I also HATE jazz, so there we are.

  6. His Hootenanny presenting and interviewing techniques are not the best; he'd certainly be better sticking to his piano. I'm not terribly keen on jazz either, and would never go to a jazz club! It's all that silly mid-number clapping that get's my goat.
