Monday 3 May 2010

Mayflower. Ne'er cast....

I don't know of any other tree that changes it's name for just one month of the year. But the Hawthorn becomes the May tree in May, then reverts to being a Hawthorn again for another eleven months.

Everyone (probably) knows the old adage 'Ne'er cast a clout 'till May is out'. Many take it to mean that one shouldn't begin to pack away one's wooly vests until THE END of May.

In fact it refers to May FLOWER. So, keep those 'thermals' on until the May FLOWER is out. As above for the last week, in our drive.

Nota Bene: There once was a ship named 'The Mayflower'. Back in 1620 a bunch of our lads sailed from Plymouth to settle in some barren land across the pond. No-one knows what happened to them, but no doubt they landed somewhere and made a reasonable go of it. Maybe we should send out a search-party; their descendants (if there are any) are probably trying to get back!

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  1. King George sent out a search party in the 18th C. Cro. I'm not sure what the outcome was. I'm keeping my wooly on even if the tree's in flower - it's bloody cold here at the moment!

  2. P.S. - Talking of weather, I've just had a look at the Brighton Peregrine, and it's blowing a gale there at the moment!

  3. Wow. Talk about ruffled feathers. Brighton looks very breezy. Sunny here for the moment, but storms are forecast for this evening. Hedging their bets again, a la non-fish.

  4. We have a sorry old hawthorn that needs to come down, but I just can't bear it.

  5. Willow, if you take the top off it will re-sprout very healthily (unless, of course, it's too old and decrepit). I've done it myself!

  6. Hawthorn trees and bushes are starting to flower all around us. I didn't know that the old adage 'Ne'er cast a clout till May is out refered to the Mayflower coming out - interesting. The weather has changed here - over the Bank Holiday weekend very cold and windy - casting a clout doesn't even come in to it!

  7. That picture of the Hawthorn is a painting. Meaning that when I saw it I thought immediately what a beautiful painting that would be. It's the values that I adore in it. Lovely light and darks.

  8. Molly. Same here weather-wise. Gone quite nasty; especially this morning!

    Julie. If I painted it, it would end up looking like white candy-floss. Rather like my landscapes that look like fields of cabbage.
