Saturday 17 April 2010

Why Whine About Wine.

On returning from the supermarket yesterday morning, I screwed up my bill, and chucked it (as usual) in the bin.

Nothing odd about that, you might say. But then I thought I'd have a quick look at how much certain things had cost (I don't normally bother with such banalities).

I'd bought a 5 litre 'cubi' (plastic container) of red wine; made in the Aude region of France. It's not Pétrus; nor is it vinager. It's a perfectly good drinkable wine for which one would probably pay about £4 a bottle back in the UK.

You will notice on my bill that for 5 litres I paid €4.99; that's probably about £4 FOR FIVE LITRES. About 65p per bottle!

Can anyone beat that?
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  1. Please note also: The third item down is for a Litre bottle of good Ex-Virg Olive Oil. It cost a staggering €2.43, which is just over £2. The last time I bought the same thing in the UK it was nearly £5. WHY?

  2. I've already had people making rude comments about my purchase of ketchup. No I don't smother my steaks with it; I use it to make an extremely good BBQ sauce.

  3. I'll always defend ketchup. It's nothing but concentrated pureed tomatoes with spices and some can you go wrong with that? My late husband taught me that it's a great stand-in when you need tomato paste and none is to be found in the cupboard. It adds zip to any number of things. In fact, I'm thinking of forming the Ketchup Party. It's time ketchup got some respect.

    (BTW, glad to see you had the orange cars repainted.)

  4. T. I couldn't agree more. I keep telling Lady M exactly the same thing. And it's essential in a good BBQ sauce!!!

  5. I was quite interested in the 'tarte speciale pommes' item as they sound delicious...

  6. It's cheating I suppose, but they are both beautiful and delicious.

  7. I love to see peoples' receipts, it's like a diary or something. Hey, nothing wrong with a good bargain!

  8. We have to spend a lot more than 0.97 for Complete Pain in this country. Good reason to vote UKIP?

  9. Ketchup caught my eye. I must have a large puddle with my fried potatoes, or just about anything for that matter.
