Monday 15 March 2010

Winter Greens.

Yesterday (sunday 14th March) I ate the last of my Brussels Sprouts. There now remains just a few leaves of Curly Kale, and some immature Leeks; which should really be left for early summer.

Haddock's (my veg' patch) has provided a constant supply of vegetables for many years, but the extreme cold of this last winter has meant that the stalwart standby crops of Swiss Chard and Perpetual Spinach, have been knocked right back; and have failed to deliver.

The picture shows a few rather scrawny looking plants of late-flowering Purple Sprouting Broccoli, which should start to flower in about 2 weeks. I love these delicate little spears, and if picked every two days should continue to flower for almost 2 months. We SHALL survive.
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  1. Purple sprouting - nice. I bought a whole (wild and quartered) rabbit yesterday, and I am going to make a French country casserol with it tonight. Basically, all the onions and veg for it are chopped coarsely, and having browned it in a pan with seasoning, it is slowly cooked with the stock and traditionally eaten with chunks of bread. The BIG essential is that you put a couple of squares of good, dark chocolate in the mix before cooking - not enough to let you know it's chocolate, but as much as you would miss if it weren't there.

    Do you get bunnies in Haddocks, Cro, or are the locals on the case with stews like this?

  2. The only animal I've ever found at Haddock's was a Roe Deer sleeping under my Broccoli plants, about five years ago. Gave me one hellava shock when it suddenly lept up, about a yard from me!

    Enjoy your lapin, sounds Franco/Mexican.

  3. I'm intrigued. I love vegetable gardens and look forward to hearing more about your Haddock's.

  4. hmmm chocolate , I'll have to try that.
